All stimuli
- all stimuli zipped
- Praat script to emulate experimental trials
This script allows you to emulare all trials from all experiments. To run it, you need
to unzip the zip-file above with all stimuli in one folder, run the script in PRAAT
and supply the location of the stimulus-folder in the input form the script generates.
Example stimuli
- Experiment 1: carrier phrase with a variety of vowels
- Low F2 carrier with words and target 2: @
- Normal F2 carrier with words and target 5: @
- High F2 carrier with nonwords and target 7: @
Experiment 2: carrier phrase with mid- to high-front vowels only
- Low F2 carrier with nonwords and target 10: @
- Normal F2 carrier with nonwords and target 6: @
- High F2 carrier with words and target 0: @
Experiment 3: nonspeech carriers
- Low F2 carrier with target 1: @
- Normal F2 carrier with target 4: @
- High F2 carrier with target 8: @